Monday, August 30, 2004

Puppies and Babies

A friend emailed me via my AOL groups page mailing list about a puppy he had acquired. It looked to be mostly pitbull, but had something else mixed in. He was looking for a home for her. Sierras boyfriend, Jordan, was here and I knew he or his brother had recently lost a dog. I asked and showed him the pictures. He fell in love. So, I told Steve to bring the puppy on over. He was going out, so he dropped it off and visited for a bit.
Ok, there are 3 females of the human persuasion here in the house. The 'awwww' factor increased exponentially. They fawned over this little runt. Everything she did was just darling. She didn't even get the usual scolding reserved for floor peeing when she decided to pee in the kitchen.
Malcolm went insane. He had a new toy. He jumped and nudged. He licked and swatted. Donovan stayed out of the way. Dude gave the puppy an obligatory sniff. Sierra and Jordan named their new baby, Reeses (yeah, like the peanutbutter cup). The air crackled with magic. There was no war or poverty anywhere in the world for that brief moment. There was a new puppy in the house.
This is a phenomenon that is shared with new babies as well. New babies in the house will elicit the same 'awwww' response. It doesn't matter what was happening prior to the baby's arrival. It doesn't matter what was going on before the puppy came in. All is gone. All sin is forgiven. All hostilities are ceased. There is a puppy/baby truce. I am thinking that there should be new born puppies at all peace negotiations.

"Mr Premiere, I would like to begin negotiations for the strategic reduction of nuclear arms in our countries, but first, have you seen these snuggly puppies?"

For more serious negotiations, there are little wide eyed kittens, or bright yellow fuzzy baby ducks.

"I know we just destroyed your country with our vast arsenal of patriot missiles, and warheads, but here is a kitten and some fuzzy ducklings."

C'mon. You know you want to say it. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

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