Friday, December 19, 2008

A mostly good day and a bold experiment

It has been a mostly good day for TJ. The back has been kind. The Ortho called and there was a conflict on the surgery date. The new date is December 26. TJ has been able to get out a couple times today. She even did some thrift store shopping, which always makes her happy.

Tonight she will try a brave experiment. She will attempt to sleep in our bed for the first night in over two weeks. She has taken some short resting naps in it, so she feels she is ready to try an all-nighter. The problem isn't the sleeping. It is the morning get-up. She can sleep just fine in the bed, but had been paying for it with excruciating pain upon getting out of the bed. The last few naps have been no more painful than when she sleeps sitting/laying on the couch or in the chair we bought to put in the bedroom.

She is even going to try to go visit her son tomorrow. It is a 100 mile round trip. she feels up for it. I will do the driving, but at times, even riding is painful. She wants to try. Some good driving prayers would be appreciated.

We went to the post office today and mailed my book to one of our fellow bloggers. She is so kind. She sent TJ and I unexpected gifts. She had asked to buy a book from me, but I decided to give it as a Christmas gift. It is on it's way.

Merry Christmas to all.



Love you guys! Kind, talented, thrift store shopping road trippers; we're kindred spirits! LOL

Many prayers for a comfortable and safe trip tomorrow after a good night's rest!


Unknown said...

Sending passenger prayers your way!

Debbie said...

Here's hoping the roads are smooth and pothole free and the sleeping goes great.