Monday, February 09, 2009

I think I am winning the fight

that is .. the fight with the cold. I have been taking the Contact-D semi-regularly (as often as I remember it .. even with the times written in the packets.) There are still some sniffles, but I did manage to sing the entire National Anthem today without one sniffle. Auditions are Saturday at 2:02 PM. If you aren't doing anything, and you happen to be in Lexington, Kentucky, come on over to Fayette Mall. I'll be one of the 400 trying out. TJ will be trying at 2:04 PM.

In other news, Kyle is fever-less tonight. The DR said he had a touch of the flu and some stomach flu issues as well. It appears he will be attending school tomorrow.

I will be singing a few practices each day, working myself up to Saturday.

"Oh, say can you see ...."



SO wish I could come down for a trip to the mall this weekend! Knock their socks off! Can the national anthem be done as a Duet?

Feel better! The sickness season is almost over. We're praising God here for weather that's nice enough to open the windows... in Wisconsin that's anything over 40 degrees in February. :o) Must. Have. Fresh Air!

Blessings, Carolynn

carrhop said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the throat is clear and words are remembered! Best of luck!!!

Hey, I think I just saw 2 of 8 and 8 of 8 over there on your sidebar!!! Yea!


Unknown said...

have someone tape it!!
Feel better soon :)

Debbie said...

I am wishing you tons of luck! And I cannot get rid of the cough that came along with my cold. I guess it's a souvenir.