Monday, December 12, 2005

Lazy weekends and lesbians

It has been a lazy weekend so far. I can't afford another one of these for a while.

On Friday night, we didn't go out anywhere, except to drop Chella and Justin off at the movies and pick the up 2 hours later. We did make a side excursion to the house of Ronnie turner, owner of Amteck Electric to see his outrageous display of Christmas lights. I will take the camera next time to post a pic or two. Trust me when I say it is outlandish.

Saturday, I didn't even put on clothes until suppertime. I saw no need of pants until then. We went out afterwards to sing. I knew I would need to be wearing pants for that anyway. Although, the thought of throwing Tammy on the waterbed for monkey sex did cross my mind and enter our conversation. She was all for the monkey sex and forgetting the singing part. We went to sing anyway. We had a good time, met new people, and sang our little thumping gizzards out.

Tammy sang one song just before we left, Patsy Cline's "Walking After Midnight." It impressed a couple 'lesbians' at the first table. We talked about that. I think, while allowing them to make that choice, that many lesbians aren't really lesbians at all. I listen to their conversations. They are just man haters. Nothing done by a man is a good thing. All ideas brought forth by the penis bearers of the species are bad, or at the very least, flawed. They hate men so much that nothing a man does will suit them in any way. They form romantic relationships with other women as a way to 'get back' at the objects of their hatred.

What they really don't understand is that we, as a rule, don't care. Why should I care if a woman has a relationship with another woman and excludes men from the chances ? I do not care if you love another woman any more than I care if a guy loves another man. These 'man haters' are never really pleased in their relationships with other women either. If they are romantically involved with a true lesbian, then they don't share the hatred that is such a fundamental part of themselves. If they do find an equally obsessed 'man hater', then the relationship is based on a common hatred and that never brings happiness.

Love who, and what you wish, but do it for the right reason. Do it because you have a love for someone, not a hatred for everyone else.

We eventually made it home around midnight.

Sunday was a lazy day as well. We did take Chris and Becca to Nickel-Vegas to help my oldest daughter and hubby move into their finally finished new place. For me it was a great opportunity to visit with the grand kids. The youngest of A's sat on my lap and we had a blast. We sat on the couch and clapped every time the guys brought something in from the truck. (they needed Chris to help with some heavy stuff. Washer and dryer, large TV, entertainment center)

We came home and finished the night by watching "Dragonslayer" which I bought for Tammy last week. It is one of her favorite movies.

How was yer weekend ?

1 comment:

TammyJ said...

Hey Baby.. About that monkey sex.. that offer still good?????.. Love you...