March 3, 2004 was a busy busy day.
My old computer had become hopelessly bogged down and clogged. I had painstakingly researched the competing computer sellers. I had narrowed my choices to a list of stores and a list of 'must haves' for the next computer including which options and programs were vital to my needs. March 3rd was the day the computer would be purchased. It wasn't a magical day. It wasn't a check coming in the mail day. It was just the day we chose.
Then, my oldest daughter called. Her hubby was having surgery that day and needed to be transported. The surgery was outpatient. As I recall, it was a throat thing. So, we are to pick up Adam and take him to the surgery center, then go find a computer, then pick Adam back up, transport him home, and then go home and do all the hook-up. Simple.
The day progresses. Adam is transported one direction. Jubilation has turned to frustration as store after store cannot produce what they said they had on the phone. Finally, we find a place (Circuit City) that has more than we need for less than we expected to pay. Computer purchased.
All that is left in the home transportation for Adam, or so we thought.
Son-in-law #2 calls and Chas is delivering her first born. So now, it is load new computer, grab Adam, and head to the hospital to see Chas and the newest grandbaby. Like I said, a busy day.
The day ended with a better talking son-in-law, a better working computer, and the precious gift of Ian.
Happy Birthday, somewhat belated, Ian.
His party is this afternoon. I am sure pictures will follow.
My old computer had become hopelessly bogged down and clogged. I had painstakingly researched the competing computer sellers. I had narrowed my choices to a list of stores and a list of 'must haves' for the next computer including which options and programs were vital to my needs. March 3rd was the day the computer would be purchased. It wasn't a magical day. It wasn't a check coming in the mail day. It was just the day we chose.
Then, my oldest daughter called. Her hubby was having surgery that day and needed to be transported. The surgery was outpatient. As I recall, it was a throat thing. So, we are to pick up Adam and take him to the surgery center, then go find a computer, then pick Adam back up, transport him home, and then go home and do all the hook-up. Simple.
The day progresses. Adam is transported one direction. Jubilation has turned to frustration as store after store cannot produce what they said they had on the phone. Finally, we find a place (Circuit City) that has more than we need for less than we expected to pay. Computer purchased.
All that is left in the home transportation for Adam, or so we thought.
Son-in-law #2 calls and Chas is delivering her first born. So now, it is load new computer, grab Adam, and head to the hospital to see Chas and the newest grandbaby. Like I said, a busy day.
The day ended with a better talking son-in-law, a better working computer, and the precious gift of Ian.
Happy Birthday, somewhat belated, Ian.
Happy Birthday for last Tuesday Ian!
Hope the computer is still as good as it promised to be, or have you had to replace it again since?
I moved over to a Mac about 5 years ago, never looked back. Fantastic piece of kit. I have just updated to a MacBook Pro, magical.
Love Granny
LOOK at that face! Hilarious happiness!
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