Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Skipping school

Yes, I took off work today because of my rapidly advancing cold.

Tammy asked me, first thing this morning, was I going to do the smart thing or was I going to work?

The smart thing won. I did make preparations yesterday in the event that this might happen. I felt terrible yesterday as well. I spent the majority of the day curled up in bed (some of that curled and tangled with Tammy.) Our legs intertwine when we are in the bed. We just fit so well together.

It did feel way too good to not be at school today. I took drugs and snoozed. My fever went up a few times, but Tylenol took care of that.

I am sitting here, sweating and chilling slightly.

Kyle got in trouble today at school. We are at a loss with his actions of late. Last Wednesday, he tried to lie his way out of going to school. He took his temperature and tried to say it was 101°. He turned the thermometer off when I asked to see it. I made him retake it. The second time, when I was looking at it, it said 97.7°. We told him that he was going to school and while he was gone we would decide his fate. He, very smartly, said, "I know what you will do. You will take away all my privileges."

Well we fooled him. We didn't take away any privileges. We added to his chore load by requiring him to do the dishes every night for a week, and he has to go to bed at 9 instead of 9:30 for that same week. He also got 3 swats with the paddle. Tammy gave those.

Well, when Tammy and I returned from the movies on Sunday, we brought home a tub of popcorn. It was the free refill. I told Kyle he could have some (he was obsessing.) After he had a bit, I told him he couldn't have any more until after supper. The police arrived and we were outside for a while. When I came back in, there was about 3 inches of popcorn missing from the tub. Kyle decided that it really didn't matter what we had said, he was apparently entitled to more popcorn. For this, he lost after dinner snack for one week. He also got 3 swats with the paddle. Tammy gave those, but her wrist was hurting and she didn't have a great grip on the paddle. He actually laughed when it was over. I informed him that from this point, all infractions considered major warranted 3 swats.

Today, he comes in from school, in trouble. He was running his mouth and told a kid to call a little girl stupid. His teacher threatened to remove him from the academic team. I took him into the bedroom and reminded him of the arrangement. I assured him that he would not be laughing this time. I gave him 3 firm swats. I told him, when he felt like sitting down, he was to sit in the living room. He was to stay sitting until time for bed, except to do his regular chores.

We explained to him that we loved him and that was why we were spanking him. He needs to know that wrong actions bring punishment. Right actions bring rewards. We have always rewarded his right actions. Now, we have to wear the other shoe.

Hopefully, he will get the message. Tammy is threatening military school if he doesn't straighten his act up.

Is there a Cadet Kyle in our future?

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