Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Hand in Mine

 It started at the beginning 

as do most important things

You placed your finger

Into the palm 

Of my newly born hand

Instinctively, I closed my hand

For the first time of countless many

A father and his daughter held hands


Later, I would hold your hand

Finding support as I tottered about

Learning the difficult task

Striving to become

An independent walker

Even then, I held tightly

As you taught me 

My first lessons in ‘letting go’


After I mastered the walk

You held my hand

As we walked in parking lots

Or crowded markets and stores

I always felt the protection

Of my hand inside yours

Even if I pretended to be ‘big’

Even if I protested uselessly


Times passes, Love grows

A love captures my heart

A question is ‘popped’

Date is reserved

Family and friends gather

Walking hand in hand

Dad places my hand into another

Another lesson in ‘letting go’


Countless occasions of joy or sorrow

I slipped my hand into his

To find the comfort

To find the protection

To find the guidance

To find the love

Others may offer

But there is no one like Dad

In his final days

Once again my hand in his

Sharing memories

Sharing the quiet as well

Preparing my heart

Still teaching

Inevitability leading the day

Once more, I’ll let go of his hand

There will be days still

I will feel his hand slip in mine





From another place

Always Dad

For Staci

© Ron Simpson Jr.

September 26, 2020