How precious you are
So full yet accepting more
So strong yet so vulnerable
Filled with courage and fear
Don’t worry, little heart
I will keep you safe
I have built a fence
All about to keep you
To protect you, of course
You have such a propensity
To go, with casual concern for life
I have built a wall
Outside the fence
Protection is a necessity
As Hamlet spoke it
“The slings and arrows
Of outrageous fortune“
I have built a roof
And fortified it greatly
Lest o’er the wall comes
The stinging barb
Tipped with the deadly poison
Hurled within the epithet
I have built a moat
About my ‘castled’ heart
One can ne’er be too careful
With one well known
For throwing caution to the winds
Living the dangers of impulse
Rest peacefully, little heart
I have kept you safe
There beyond my moat
Beneath my gabled roof
Past my mortared walls
Just inside my keeping fence
Despite the fortifications
Lies my dying heart
I have built a casket
Oh, the beauty of polished oak
The luxury of a satiny embrace
So lifelike the image created
As if my heart merely serenely rests
Sans love, sans hope
Lying in state
I take my position
In somber repose
I will guard it well
In death as in life
For I am
“The keeper of a heart”
© Ron Simpson Jr.
September 30, 2020