Thursday, October 21, 2021


As an artist 

When I look at my work 

Whether it be 

Portraits, Poetry, or Singing 

I see the imperfections 

I see the line out of place 

The shading not quite right 

I hear the note out of tune 

The pitch when it misses 

I see words incorrectly conveying 

I see where the rhythm fails 

You see the artistry 

I see the imperfections 

Now, before you rally to my defense 

Understand these things 

It’s okay 

The imperfections do not stop me 

I still draw, I still sing, I still write 

I still publish my imperfections 

In my humanity 

There is rarely perfection 

And even then, it is fleeting 


Never be afraid of being imperfect 

Never be deterred by mistakes 

Never stop putting yourself out there 

Critics come and go 

Admirers come and go 

Express yourself 


You do you 

Sing, write, draw, paint, dance 

Create whatever artistry is within you 

Do it with passion 

Do it 


© Ron Simpson Jr. 

October 21, 2021

1 comment:

Voo Shining Stone said...

As I said...a Perfect write!!