Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Christmas Season is full upon us.

Today is the last day with students. The final finals are given. The pizza parties are planned. Presents have been bought. The pressure is off.

This year, I want wiper blades for Christmas. Tammy says she doesn't see that happening. I guess Ill have to break down buy them for myself.

The most fun for me at Christmas is giving gifts. I love that part.

We (the family) gather at the parents house (all 50 of us) for dinner and gift giving. For years , my dad would sit in front of the tree and pass out presents to the kids. One present was given at a time. Each kid would open his or her gift before another present was given. It was a magical time.

Several years ago, dad retired as the dispenser of gifts. My younger (by 4 years) brother and I picked up the job. Dad would be tickled if he thought about two people required to replace him.

Fifty people gather for family fun. There are no arguments. There are no feuds. They range from months old to 90 years old plus. This year my granddaughter will be the newest addition. Abigail will be nearly 3 weeks old on Christmas day.

Today is a mixed emotion day for the students. It is the last day of school until next year. It is finals day. GRC has a block schedule. Three of the five classes are one full credit for ½ of the year. Therefore, three of my classes are taking final exams. The other two are taking midterm tests. The school has spread them out over two days. Three of my classes are taking tests today. Two took tests yesterday.

My fullest class is eating pizza today. They took their test yesterday. They are rowdy. They are excited. I still have to keep them corralled and somewhat calm, because they will be leaving my class and taking a final in the last block.

All of my classes get to evaluate me today. The evaluation will also cover the principal and the school itself. It will be interesting to see the results. I was surprised recently when a student dropped a bomb on me. I have suspended him. I have given him several detentions. I have nearly flunked him more than once. He has had me for 4 classes in the last three years. He told me that I was his favorite teacher. It is odd to try to figure out how kids think.

But .. After today .. it is thirteen days without students.


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