Wednesday, April 28, 2010

poetry .. Everybody Goes Home

Everybody goes home

When my children were young
Friends would gather
And they would play for hours
They would whisper and giggle
But, eventually, the time would wind down
And one by one, their friends went home

Family would come together
For holidays or just good meal
We would laugh and reminisce
We would meet all the new babies
Time would fly by
But, eventually, the time would wind down
And one by one, our family would go home

Saints would gather in
From places all over the country
The conference speakers were all primed
Together we would worship and recollect
The time was full of love and Spirit
But, eventually, the time would wind down
And one by one, we would all go home

For over two thousand year
Souls have been added
And we have fellowshipped together
Some we have met in person
Others we know only through prayer
And some, only by the shared spirit
But eventually, time would wind down
And one by one, they would go home

It can’t be long
Until time is no more
And there will be a great gathering
Children will assemble
From the far corners
And we will stand in the presence of our King
There will be no time to wind down
And everyone will be at home

Ron Simpson, Jr.
April 28, 2010

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