Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Poetry .. Life is in the living

Life is in the living

We spend a lifetime
Trying to pack a life
Into a life span
Only to find it does not fit

Our deeds always seem
To spill out and over
What we finish lives on
What we start continues
We never finish

If we were to look back
As we come to an end of a life
We would see life
Still rushing to catch us

For all of our care and planning
We are rarely ready
For the day
For the weekend
For the holidays
For the end of days

Herein is the end of it
We do what we can
While we can
And pray it is enough

We make the preparations we can
And wait for life to blindside us
At the last moment
With small details
Or the ‘big picture’
That we seemed to have missed

Still, at the end of the day
We look back
We thank the creator
For the love we have felt
For the tears we have cried
For the battles we have fought

We try to finish one more thing
Before we close our eyes
As if it might give us a head start
For the work of tomorrow

So ..
run ..
fight ..
strive ..
contend ..

Take whatever measure of success
You may find
Relish in it,
For it is fleeting at best

Life is in the living
Not in the obtaining
Life is in the trying
More so than in the achieving
Life is in the running
Everyone cannot be winning

Life is in the living

Live it

Ron Simpson, Jr.
December 29, 2009


miruspeg said...

Such a heartfelt poem Ron.
Love your words, really love your words.
Peggy xxx

Heather of the EO said...

I love this, Ron. Needed it. Thank you.