Tuesday, June 18, 2024


How do we measure life 

Is it in the numbers 

Is it in the years we live 

Is it in the days we consume 

Is it in the steps we take 

Is it in the friends we make 

Is it in the wealth we amass 

Are we simply hoarders 

In the vastness of living 

How do we measure life 

The best and the worst of us 

Breathe the same air 

Air which we did not provide 

In our capitalistic society 

We are justly categorized as users 

We are consumers 

For all the good we think we may do 

We are still consumers 

We enter life stealing our first breaths 

Our hands grasping to take what life has 

When we leave, we are still trying to take more 

Thus, fulfilling our designated title, consumer 

In the end, others will survey our existence 

Others will summarize our gains and losses 

On their weighted spreadsheets 

Others will measure our life's success or failure 

How do we measure life 

Is this the measure 

When I have lived my life 

When others gather the remnants 

When the sorting of a lifetime begins 

When sentimentalities are distributed 

And the carrions of life gather 

When the bargain hunters are satisfied 


Of how others measure life 

The importance they place 

Whether I measure up or not 

Matters only little by comparison 

If I can find my measure 

And draw to that line or above 

To give all I have to give 

To do all that is within me to do 

To you, I say 

Live your lives 

Speak your truths 

Help where you can 

Lift others 

Smile a lot 

Laugh more 

Forget the measure 



© Ron Simpson Jr. 

June 9, 2024

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