Friday, March 27, 2020



It wasn’t my brokenness 
which threatened to destroy me
It wasn’t my agony or pain
But rather, all I did to control it

Waging the war
Fighting each battle
Mending the cracks
Sewing the tears

Allowing myself to break
Was an indefensible choice
I expended all my strength
Trying to hold myself together 

Still, over every rise
The inescapable awaited
Try as I might I could only delay
That which I would not accept 

Once I allowed my heart to be weak
Once the shards were swept away
By the tide of inevitability
I could see the beauty in my brokenness 

It was there
I found my peace
It was there
I found my power


© Ron Simpson Jr. 
March 27, 2020

Friday, March 20, 2020

It’s okay, it wasn’t me

It’s okay, it wasn’t me

A man was stabbed at a party
It’s okay, it wasn’t me

A man was shot in a bar
It’s okay, it wasn’t me

Someone poisoned by Tylenol 
It’s okay, it wasn’t me 

Children killed in Atlanta 
It’s okay, it wasn’t me 

Children shot at a school
It’s okay, it wasn’t me 

Towers fell, thousands die
We were collectively angry
It’s okay, it wasn’t me 

Bombings in Oklahoma 
School shootings in Florida 
We express our indignation 
It’s not really rage anymore
It’s okay, it wasn’t me 

Children dying daily
A losing war on drugs
Terrorists, domestic and foreign 
We’ve all become numb
It’s okay, it wasn’t me 

Now, we are met 
On the field 
Of our next crisis 
Sacrifices required 
To protect others
And yet we respond
It’s okay, it isn’t me 

It’s okay 
It’s not me
Until it is

It’s not okay
It is we
It is me

© Ron Simpson Jr. 
March 20, 2020

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Consider the ant

Proverbs 6:6  “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:”

Consider the ant

How far above
We consider ourselves
From the lowliness 
Of the uncommon ant

What could you possibly teach me
What could you know of my life
What could you show me 
About work, and love, and living

Your world is so small
Your duties are simple
You’re not hampered
By emotional hindrances 

You gather
You build
You eat
You sleep

What could you show me
With your single mindedness 
With your dogged determination 
With your colony dedication

What could I learn
From your ‘stick-to-it-iveness’
From your unwavering industry
From your ‘all-for-one’ attitude

What ….
I see

© Ron Simpson Jr. 
March 17, 2020

Sunday, March 15, 2020



The doctors gave it their best guess
They created a time frame for life remaining
Life, however, chooses its own timing
At some point, we all gathered for final goodbyes

It would be so easy to focus on the span
But life isn’t all about its beginning 
And it’s certainly not all about its ending
Life is about the things we stuff in between 

I held your hands several times for a bit
In what we knew were the final days and hours 
The conversation was decidedly one sided
And in the gaps, I studied your hands

There were the expected wrinkles
There were scars accrued in a lifetime
Most of them remnants of forgotten injuries 
And perhaps some even well remembered 

What caught my writer's imagination 
More so than the wrinkles and scars
Were subtle, nearly unnoticeable stains
Stains from a lifetime of labor and living

As I contemplated the discoloration 
It came to me quite abruptly
In those stains was my living as well
I was part of the stains on these loving hands

These hands provided my childhood 
They paid the way for my adolescents
They made my secondary education possible
So many things in my life came with these stains

I looked at my own hands
There were wrinkles and scars 
There may have even been the hint
Just the beginning of a stain 

In all I love about my chosen profession 
The challenges and accomplishments 
I love that it provides a living
For me and those I love dearly

It gives me wrinkles
It gives me occasional scars
It gives me daily and lifetime stains
Hands to be considered during word gaps


© Ron Simpson Jr. 
March 15, 2020 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

All in there

All in there

All I am
Is all in there

All my joys
All my sorrows

All my strengths
All my weaknesses

All my bravery
All my cowardice

All my boldness
All my awkward shyness 

All my courage
All my fear 

All my intelligence 
All my ignorance 

All my tolerance 
All my prejudice 

All my serenity 
All my rage

Every word I write
It’s all in there

© Ron Simpson Jr. 
March 11, 2020

Sunday, March 08, 2020


“All work and no play
Makes Jack a dull boy”


All work
No time to write the page
The words scream inside
Raging against the cage

Inside, the machine chugs on
Taking in events and feeling
Churning them together
Spewing out the words of healing

Emotions rage in exasperation
The words are hopelessly trapped 
Grinding and grating with no release
Bottling up at the exit capped

The lack of liberation
In no way impedes the making
The words form a clenched fist
Sometimes raised, sometimes shaking

Throughout time far reaching
Words have made a difference
Answering the challenges
Breaking through tyranny’s fence

Words escape the embittered heart
Finding a way to hands and feet
Marching in a unified call
Stepping in time to freedoms beat

Never underestimate 
The power of words spoken
They release the captive 
And give healing to the broken

Find the time
Find the way
Find the place
Find the day

Speak your truth
Speak your pain
Speak your message
Without fears refrain

Speak your hurting 
Speak your joy’s birth
Speak your sorrow
Speak your souls worth

Speak when it’s good
Speak when it’s bad
Speak when it’s happy
Speak when it’s sad

Just speak

© Ron Simpson Jr. 
March 8, 2020

Sunday, March 01, 2020

Poet line prompt

With an eye on the sky

Life is such a trudge
Through the muck and mud 
Mud caked on the soles of my boots
Mud caked on the soul 
Some days it’s a struggle
Just to put on those boots
Yet, daily I find myself
Trudging through the morass
With an eye on the sky

© Ron Simpson Jr. 
March 1, 2020



We are approaching another milestone 
One more year since you went from us
There are days you are closer than ever
And then, there are days you are far away

I can sit, close my eyes, become very still
I allow the images of you to flood my mind
I hear your voice as if you are speaking today
Memories and questions surround me

For you, all time has ceased
You are not growing older 
Everything about you is a memory
Every question already has it’s answer

For me, time is still fluid and alive
Fragments travel past in memories stream
I can catch and hold pieces temporarily 
Before the swift currents of time steal them away

Let’s talk about time
Time is the ultimate taker and giver 
Time tries to destroy all things
What it cannot destroy, it alters completely 

I am not the same as I was thirteen years ago
Not the same man who sat at your bedside
Not the same as the one meeting with the doctors
Not like to one relinquishing hope for reality

I try and succeed at remembering good days
The times we laughed and cried together
The conversations we thought would be endless
The numerous holidays we celebrated 

Always, time brings me back
Always, time makes me know
Always, feeling the immeasurable void
Knowing what I had and have no longer

I know it is time which gives me so much
Time has given me children, grandchildren 
And even recently, a great grandson
None possible without the passing of time

It is the same passage of time
Giving so much, taking so much
Inexorably twisted together
Bound by an unbreakable line

For now, I will struggle to stand still
In the rushing stream of time
To feel your presence around me
To know your heart and mind
To hear your voice and your words
To relive moments, to recapture feelings
To stop it all from slipping away
To never lose you in times rushing 

It is but for the moment
I am tethered to time
I am restrained by its whims
I am a captive within its bounds

Even now 
I can feel the edge of change 
I can feel the destruction
Eroding the periphery 

I cling to you with desperation 
Losing you is losing myself
I refuse to give in to this jailer
I cannot relinquish the memories

You will not destroy this
You will not alter this
I will not give in

So many years, so much change
Situations and circumstances 
New wrinkles, new aches and pains
New loves and new worries

This, still, I will hold 
Just beyond your flow
I will rehearse your stories
I will not give them to time

I close my eyes, I get very still
I sharpen the focus
Thanks for being strong enough
To assuage the ravages of time

Another year
Another day
Another hour

© Ron Simpson Jr. 
February 29, 2020