You built up the value of a life with you
Speaking the words with practiced ease
Pointing out the sunshine and roses
Disguising the truth of glib betrayal
Toying with my fragile heart
Saying all the right words
Well-timed and well-placed
Becoming a truth too true
My heart so wanted to believe
Clinging to a perilous perch
Knowing I am more than worthy
Knowing this was not too much to ask
It came as second nature to you
Folding the truth on practiced lines
Eventually becoming careless in ease
Until, even caught, admitting the lie was too hard
Did I slam a door? Probably
Did I cry? Absolutely
Will I survive? For sure
Am I happy? Getting there
You say I am just lying to myself
Giving yourself a lot of undue influence
This is the lie I choose to believe
Until it is no longer a lie
Little by little the smiles become real
More and more the laughter deepens
Time erases the pain and sorrow
Happiness is the best vengeance
Happiness is the best vengeance
© Ron Simpson Jr.
September 18, 2022