Gentle breezes and tidal waves
So, this is life
Filled with the unknowable
And moments of shining clarity
We aren’t sure which it was
Until we are miles ahead
Looking back down the pathway
Even then, we can’t be absolutely sure
One moment
We are enjoying
A gentle breeze
And the next
We are being swept away
By a tidal wave
Or perhaps
It’s just my life
I hear others
Talking about life
As if it were a seamless event
And I look at mine
Chaotic and random
I wonder
Maybe, there’s something
I don’t understand about life
Therefore, I take some serious time
In deep diving introspection
To make some sort of sense
To find the purpose of it all
To connect the randomness
To clarify the chaotic
To make peace
With the breezes and the waves
I believe
We are a designed being
Having callings and purposes
Our lives seek reasons
Because there must be a reason
(Don’t get your hopes up
I’m not about to explain the meaning of life
There’s not enough paper or ink)
Still, we seek a reason or cause
Nature can explain tidal waves
And predict the gentle breeze
But it doesn’t translate to life
Possibly, my calling is the random
My purpose is in the chaotic
Or maybe I’m a drowning man
Grasping at straws to save me
I’ll take each day as it comes
Whether with a breeze or a wave
I’ll enjoy the tidal wave
I’ll survive the gentle breeze
Because, that’s what life is
Irregular and jumbled
And still filled with wonder
I have found purpose
In the randomness
I have found love abundant
In the ensuing melee
I am surrounded by friends
And random strangers
We are all finding life
Teeming with perplexity
I’ll take it
Gentle breezes
Tidal waves
Ron Simpson Jr.
January 26, 2020