Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Death, As Usual


As Usual 

Nearly eight billion people 

I am merely a speck in this vastness 

My circle of contact 

Is around a thousand 

Still, just a speck 

In the abundance of life 

Teeming upon the earth 

With four point three births 

And two point zero deaths 

Occurring every second 

Someone somewhere 

Is experiencing the joy of life 

As well as the pain of death 

As usual 

It is not my aim here 

To minimize 

The tragedy of death 

Or to trivialize 

It’s accompanying grief 

Quite the opposite, in fact 

I am seeking to point out 

Death is integral to living 

To never lose is never to love 

To never care is never to grieve 

To never love is never to live 

And to quote JM Barrie 

“To live will be an awfully big adventure”

So, live 



Make friends 





As usual 

Do not be swallowed 

By the looming vastness 

Live raucously as a usual state

Love recklessly as a normality 

Do not be consumed 

By death as usual 

Shine your light 

Share your voice 

Write your words 

Sing your songs 

Feel your emotions 

(All of them) 

Live your uncommon life 

Express your unique passion 

Be Extraordinary 

As usual 

© Ron Simpson Jr.

May, 25, 2024 

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